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Showing posts from May 14, 2018


Your Animal Questions Answered!

Ever wondered why dolphins jump out of the water, why cats knead or why bats sleep upside down? Well look no further as we have tackled some of the most common and slightly obscure questions about your favourite animal species to give you the answers you have been looking for! Why do giraffes have black tongues? A giraffes tongue (which is up to 21 inches in length) is thought to be black in colour to protect it from sunburn. Giraffes spend a large part of their day feeding in the hot African sun and it is thought that without the dark colouration, their tongues would be easily burnt! Why do fish have scales? The scales of fish are bony in structure and overlap one another to cover the whole body. These scales provide much needed protection for their soft bodies whilst also allowing them to move freely through the water! Amazingly, the rings on the scales of fish also actually indicate their age! Why do monkeys groom each other? At first glance you would ...

Small Dog Resigns Himself To His Costume-Wearing Fate

Talented Musician Uses Violin To Make Uncannily Lifelike Animal Sounds

Curious Penguin Follows A Butterfly All Over Its Enclosure

If This Small Dog Can Jump Over This High Wall, Then You, Too, Can Do That Thing You've Been Wanting To Do

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